Thursday, February 1, 2007

Inaugural Insult

"You are the meanest mom in the whole world! You are meaner than the meanest mom in all of Meanland!"

Spoken by: My youngest daughter. She's 4 and will likely be the source of most of the creative comments I post.

Prompted by: I can't specifically recall, but I think I had the audacity to ask her to put her shoes and socks on before she went outside to get in the car. She has a particular dislike for any kind of footwear.

My response: I actually did my best not to laugh, given that she was being very serious and I was sure she would get even more angry if I did.


Michelle O'Neil said...

My son recently called me a "penguin dropping."

Miss Devylish said...

That is AWESOME! Where is Meanland? Cuz I think I'm from there sometimes. You should definitely keep this site for when they're older.. what great blackmail material!

Anonymous said...

This is a great idea and I will be adding much material from my 3 lovely children.