Sunday, April 1, 2007

You Tell Him, Girl!

"Daddy, why didn't you wait for me to get out of the car before you went inside? That was so mean!" my oldest daughter's indignant pose was incredibly comical, hands on hips, one leg cocked to the side, long bangs flipping out of her eyes.

"Uhh, didn't realize you wanted me to?" he offered sarcastically.

"Hm!" she snorted at him.

"Go put your laundry away and then we can play a game, okay?" he offered.

"I don't want to put my laundry away? Who made you the boss?" she demanded.

"I don't need anybody to make me the boss around here. I just am."

"Well, you don't DESERVE to be a boss!" cue stomping off into the distance...

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